Digging Deep, Aiming High is a passionate memoir of my career as a teacher and administrator in the New York City Public Schools. The narrative follows the challenges faced in my mission to defy the odds, raise the bar, reject mediocrity, and encourage all children to succeed.
Fortunately, I was not alone in this heart wrenching, yet heartwarming journey to make kids matter. Our team of trailblazers included dedicated educators and auxiliary personnel working closely with the students and parents to dig deeper into their evaluation of our programs and to always aim higher.
What makes this story unique is that we, the stakeholders in this one special school, recognized early on that the bureaucracy encountered while working in the largest school system in the nation would prevent us from being able to provide the necessary tools to be truly successful. We responded to this potential roadblock by seeking out numerous public and private partnerships. With the abundance of resources and generosity of time they provided, countless mentors and volunteers assisted us in the task of educating our youngsters.
We are living in a very explosive time when funding for public education, desegregation, the privatization of schools, the role of law enforcement, and controversies regarding diversity, equity and inclusion have become politicized. Digging Deep, Aiming High will provide you with a thorough examination of the ways in which our team dealt with these problems in the hope that our best practices would serve as a roadmap to the resolution of many of the issues facing our schools today and tomorrow.